Benefits of Membership
All Hawaii athletic trainers who join the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) are automatically members of the Hawaii Athletic Trainers’ Association (HATA).
Members receive organization and professional news, education opportunity information and state legislation information. You can find Athletic Trainers providing health care in a variety of settings including High School and Collegiate Athletics, Rehabilitation Clinics, Physician Clinics and Professional Athletics to name a few. Athletic Trainers assess injuries, provide acute injury and emergency care, perform rehabilitation and reconditioning following an injury, and employ techniques to prevent injuries.
Current Member Statistics
Certified Members 239
Student 27
Reimbursement Form
Updated reimbursement form will be added soon.
Please email hatatreasurer@gmail.com to submit for reimbursement
If you would like to view any past HATA meeting minutes, attend future HATA executive board meetings, or view the HATA Constitution and Bylaws, please contact the HATA Secretary at hatasecretary@gmail.com.
Past HATA Executive Board Meetings
Upcoming HATA Executive Board Meetings