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Secondary Schools Committee

Emergency Action Plans (EAP)
Please click the link above to view Emergency Action Plans for athletic venues throughout Hawaii. If you see any that need to be updated or would like to add an EAP, please email

NFHS Updates

Take a look at a recourse from the NATA about the new blood biomarker test:

How to Address the New Blood Biomarker Test


Are you a high school athletic trainer? If you answered yes please take the time to visit the ATLAS Project to complete a quick survey. This will allow data to be collected to show how athletic trainers like you are helping athletes!

National Provider Identifier (NPI) Number

What is an NPI?

An NPI is a unique 10-digit identification number used in standard health care transactions. It is issued to health care professionals and covered entities that transmit standard HIPAA electronic transactions (e.g., electronic claims and claim status inquiries). The NPI fulfills a requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). It also replaces all provider identifier numbers assigned by payers and is used by health care professionals. Covered entities under HIPPA are required by regulation to use NPIs to identify health care providers in HIPPA standard transactions.


Why should I get an NPI?

NATA strongly encourages all athletic trainers to get for their NPI.  Having an NPI improves recognition of athletic trainers as health care professionals across all settings.

“An NPI number is a professional requirement that adds credibility to the individual and the profession," said Amy Callender, NATA Government Affairs Director. "NATA encourages all members to obtain their NPI number, which will stay with them for the rest of their career, no matter their job setting or employer."

How to apply

Applying for your NPI is quick, easy and free. Visit the CMS National Plan & Provider Enumeration System to complete your application today. Follow our Step-by-Step NPI Application Instructions (pdf) to apply today. 

The above information was obtained from

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